İTÜ was first rooted in 1773, in the era of Ottoman Empire and flourished through the centuries in the host of many different buildings. The oldest home of the İTÜ being still held today is the Gümüşsuyu campuss building from the Ottoman era, which was started to be used by the university in 1928. It is a great chance for the students of İTÜ , that they can still open the great three-meter height doors of the monument to the same view of the legendary Istanbul Bosphorus, and take a breath full of history. Other than this building which was used as a military barrack by the Ottoman Empire, there are two other buildings from the same era, Taşkışla (a former military medicine building) and Maçka (a former police station) serving as İTÜ campuses today. All these three buildings are first grade heritage items on the National Heritage Register.
Both the students and public visitors (with permission) can walk through the timeline of the technology in the corridors of these campuses, with the exhibited pieces dating to decades ago.
Taşkışla campuss, homing the Faculty of Architecture is famous with its quad garden and inspires its visitors with its great view for centuries. It is also being used as a scene in various movies. In the corridors of the faculty many artifacts can be explored such as “Drawings of classical Turkish architecture, dated 1930” and “Epitaphs and inscriptions of the former-late 18th century university buildings”.

History is not limited to these buildings but also very wellcomed at the modern buildings of ITU. The rectorate building hosts exhibitions very frequently, matching the visitors’ daily routes with the history of technology and art.