The university and suppliers are working together in the supply chain to reduce direct and indirect emissions and minimize waste to create a sustainable campus and commercial services that aid in funding education, research, and facilities at ITU.
- Collaborating with suppliers to decrease the packaging used for delivering goods to campus.
- The Operations and Procurement teams will challenge suppliers during review meetings and during the tender process to avoid any unnecessary packaging (especially plastic) and to recycle it.
- Collaborating with the academic community to encourage talks and discussions about sustainability and food security that is easily accessible to both University staff and students, as well as the general public.
ITU Supply Chain and Sustainable Purchasing Policy
The purpose of this statement is to emphasize the sustainable management of supply chain in ITU campuses within the responsibility and authority of the ITU Rectorate.
The supply chain of ITU takes the local producers into account for its purchases. The aim of this practice is to reduce environmental, social and economic impacts through sustainable purchasing. This policy is adopted to strengthen the SDGs within ITU
and ensure local development.
ITU recognizes its impact on the stakeholders through its purchasing supplies.
- The supply chain of ITU encourages the advancement of sustainable practices in the community.
- The social values that are being created through our sustainable purchasing policy aim to ensure enabling of ethically responsible and diverse suppliers.
- ITU is committed to environmental stewardship by using responsible products and conserving natural resources.
- The disposal phase of the purchased materials shall be considered to enable recycling waste.
- Safe and sustainable food management directive of ITU is available
in the link.