The tender process has been entered to place solar panels on the roof of every applicable building in ITU Ayazağa Campus. Apart from ITU's own initiatives, the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change initiated the Energy Efficiency in
Public Buildings Project (KABEV). Within the scope of this project, five buildings in ITU Ayazağa Campus (Molecular Biology and Genetics Research Center (MOBGAM), Mustafa İnan Library, 75th Year Student Social Center (Former Cafeteria Building), Altan
Edige Girls' Dormitory, Ali İhsan Aldoğan Girls' Dormitory) ) will be renewed for energy efficiency. Investments will include building envelope measures (roof/wall insulation, windows, doors), heating/cooling systems, water heating, pumps/fans and
lighting, and some renewable energies. Renewable energy applications (e.g. rooftop solar, biomass heating, solar water heating, geothermal heat pumps) will be implemented to balance the building's electricity/fuel use(
The Techopark Arı6, which was opened in 2014, was the innovation hub of renewable energy researches in Turkey ('s-first-energy-teknokent-has-been-opened
). In line with the national strategies, ITU’s R&D strategy sees Energy as one of the most important topics of new era in terms of sustainable protection of natural life, economy and social context. ARI Technopark is Turkey's very
first and unique energy-themed Teknopark which is defining energy as a strategic area and giving it an important place among development objectives. In ArıTechnopark entrepreneurial technology companies working on the subject of energy are
brought together. As companies focus on finding innovative productions and solutions , they implement some of products, therefore facade and roof of Arı6 building is covered with photovoltaic panels, thus the energy need of the building
is met thanks to this system.

The Technopark Arı6