The Continuing Education Center offers training and certificate programs. The working area is defined in Article 3 of the Regulation. Different certificate programs are offered at the center as mentioned in (Finance and Economics Training for Managers, Instruments, London College of Music, Regulation on the Protection of Buildings Against Noise, Bee Flight Academy).
At a center called ITU TÖMER, it aims to facilitate the daily lives and communication of international students and academic/administrative staff on and off campus by not allowing them to learn Turkish, and to follow scientific studies in Turkish and contribute to these studies. The scope of engagement of ITU TÖMER is not limited to our institution but - open to the public. Turkish language courses are organized for anyone who wants to learn Turkish, including employees of consulates and international companies located around our campuses. Thus, it aims to transfer Turkish culture to wider circles and - increase intercultural interaction.
Many cooperation protocols are made in 2022 with local governments to contribute:
· Turkish Music Conservatory cooperation with Municipality
· Agriculture cooperation between ITUNOVA Technology Transfer Office and Cargill
· Infrasturucture cooperation with IC Holding
· Training and Collaboration Protocol Signed Between ITU and Ford Otosan
Cooperation protocols are made in 2021 with local governments for contribution are listed:
• A cooperation protocol was signed between ITU and Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) to contribute to Turkey's “National Space Program” goal.
• “Disaster Monitoring and Management Systems Cooperation Protocol” was signed between Istanbul Technical University Disaster Management Institute and Bursa Nilüfer Municipality for precautions to be taken before and after earthquakes and minimization of risks.
• The results of the 3rd Call of ERA.Net RUS PLUS Program that aims broad-based and effective collaboration between Russia and 11 European Union member and associated countries including Turkey in scientific and technological research fields were announced. ITU’s project accepted to the program in the field of Nanotechnology was granted support. The project in which seven universities from five countries will work together will be supervised by ITU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering faculty member and ITU MEMS Research Center Director Prof. Dr. Levent Trabzon.
• Ships polluting the sea in the Black Sea section of the Bosphorus will be detected by a remote monitoring system. Within the scope of the "Marine Pollution Detection for the Northern Region of the Bosphorus Project" initiated by IC İçtaş İnşaat and supported by ITU, a radar system with cameras was installed on Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge. Ships polluting the Bosphorus will be monitored by the camera and radar system. The system aims to prevent the sea and the coastline from being polluted by ship waste.
• Following the earthquake of magnitude 6.6 that occurred in the region between Samos Island and Kuşadası Bay on 30 October 2020 in Izmir, TÜBİTAK MARMARA Research Vessel set sail on 31 May 2021 within the scope of the “Project for Determination of Seismicity and Active Tectonic Characteristics of Faults in Kuşadası Bay with High Resolution Seabed Measurements” of the Turkish Earthquake Platform, which was established under the coordination of TÜBİTAK in order to reveal the earthquake hazard in this region and to examine the fault lines, completed its maiden voyage on Sunday, 13 June 2021 and returned to Izmir Alsancak Port.
•The 2nd Workshop on the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Plan (IRAP), organized by the Ministry of Interior Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), started. On the first day of the workshop, sessions were held under the moderation of ITU faculty members in 3 different halls with the participation of experts and approximately 90 stakeholder institutions and organizations in line with the identified priority disaster hazards.
• "Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Technologies" Summit Held at ITU. The summit themed "Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Technologies", hosted by Istanbul Technical University and organized by the Environment Foundation and MSMB, took place on Saturday, November 6, at ITU Ayazaga Campus, Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center.
• Support from TÜBİTAK to 4 Mucilage-Related Projects of Our University. Results of the scientific evaluation of projects proposed within the framework of TÜBİTAK 1001 – “Mucilage Research Special Call” by TÜBİTAK Research Funding Program Directorate (ARDEB) were announced. As a result of the scientific evaluation, 4 projects prepared by Istanbul Technical University (ITU) academics are granted support.