
İTÜ is running a project, co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, entitled “Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation Game for a Metropolis”. Shortly abbreviated as CAMAPOLI, the project aims to inform young generations about the effects of climate change by gamifying it. The game is about the activities that can be done in order to minimize the effects of climate change and targets high school and university students. CAMAPOLI will be playable on tablets and computers. It will teach young people to create a cleaner environment with a visual entertainment that uses cause and effect relationships. Besides such visual tools, İTÜ also organizes training programs and campaigns to minimize the effects of climate change. The Climate Change Application and Research Center, whose main objectives are to engage in national and international activities in agriculture, forests, water and energy resources, was established in 2019. The center aims “to be the focus and cooperation point of national and international relevant organizations in research, planning, training and consultancy in all areas related to climate change and its effects, and to provide information support to decision-makers”, as is stated in the regulations of the center (Article 5f). For the regulations of the center, please click the here.

This project addresses the following Sustainable Development Goals:
