(21 Dec 2022)
Istanbul Technical University (ITU) continues to organize events that highlight its long-established experience in its 250th anniversary. The “Textile Machinery from Past to Present” Exhibition, which provides the opportunity to witness
the rapid evolution of technology through textile test equipment, was prepared with the contributions of İTKİB (Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters’ Association) and İHKİB (Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association) professional organizations.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition, held on the third floor of the Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design in ITU Gümüşsuyu Campus, took place on 9 December 2022.
Please visit the website for the details: https://haberler.itu.edu.tr/en/newsdetail/2022/12/21/textile-machinery-exhibition-opened-at-itu