With the Contribution of ITU Energy Institute...
The energy sector is expected to grow exponentially both in the world and in Turkey. Since it is seen as a sector that will determine the growth and welfare levels of countries, it gains importance among the popular professions of the future.
With this training program, it is aimed to eliminate the lack of knowledge of those who want to work in the energy sector and the technical staff working in the sector, to have information about new regulations and current practices on renewable energy
The training aims to provide the participants with detailed technical knowledge and competence in the following subjects;
- Wind power
- Hydroelectric Energy
- Solar energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Biomass Energy
Renewable Energy Education Content
Wınd Energy
- Classification and Comparison of Wind Turbines
- Key Factors in Utilizing Wind Energy
- Formation of the Wind
- Global and Local Winds
- Basic Calculation Methods
- Planning a Wind Farm
- Key Factors in Region Selection
- Offshore Wind Farms
- Topology of Wind Turbines
- Wind Atlas
- Installation Stages of a Wind Turbine
Hydroelectric Energy
- Basic concepts
- Hydroelectric Energy in the World and in Turkey
- Classification of Hydroelectric Facilities
- Elements and Working Principles
- Basic Principles of Hydroelectric Power Generation
- Environmental Impacts
- Transmission Facilities and Design Criteria
- Free Surface Conduction (Transmission), Sedimentation Tank, Loading Chamber
- Pressure Transmission, Balance Chamber
- Penstocks
- Turbine Types and Selection
- Feasibility Analysis of Hydroelectric Facilities and an Example
Solar Energy
- Solar Irradiance, Measurement and Energy Potential Calculations
- Solar Cells, Types, Modules, Temperature and Radiation Corrections
- Energy Production Calculations
- Photovoltaic Power Systems, Components and Characteristics
- Selection and Sizing of Components in Photovoltaic Power Systems
- Design of Grid Connected and Discrete Systems and Critical Issues in Design
Geothermal Energy
- Terminology
- Geothermal Energy in the World and in Turkey
- Usage Areas of Geothermal Energy
- Types/Characteristics of Geothermal Reservoirs and Fluids
- Generation and Reservoir Performance of Geothermal Reservoirs, Modeling
- Problems Encountered in the Operation of Geothermal Fields
- Development and Projecting of Geothermal Fields
Bıomass Energy
- Basic concepts
- The Situation of Biomass Energy in the World and in Turkey
- Biomass/ Renewable Energy Legislation Incentives
- Biomass Resources
- Biomass Cycle Technologies
- Gasification Process Types and Chemistry
- Systems Used in Biogas Production
- Design Parameters of Biomass/Biogas Plants
- Planning of Licensed Biomass/Biogas Plant
- BES Network Integration
- Usage Areas of Biomass / Biogas and By-Products

This program is within the scope of the protocol signed between the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of the Republic of Turkey and ITU. Green Certificate Training Program for Buildings and Settlements is among the programs of Environment and Urbanization Application Research Center under the coordination of ITU Continuing Education Center.
Purpose of the Program:
The aim of the Green Certificate Training Program for Buildings and Settlements is to provide experts and evaluations for the national green building and green settlement certificate system (YES-TR) in accordance with the 'Green Certificate Regulation for Buildings and Settlements' dated 12 June 2022 prepared by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. specialist training. For this purpose, training is provided with the 'Green Certificate Regulation for Buildings and Settlements' ( and its annexes (Annex-1, Annex-2 and Annex). -3) ( explaining the duties and responsibilities of the green certificate specialist and green certificate evaluation specialist; It covers the transfer of module and process information regarding the evaluation of green buildings and green settlements.
Program Content:
The Green Certificate specialist certificate training program consists of 30 hours of 12 modules on the measurement and evaluation of how close the global and national sustainability targets of 'buildings and settlements' are at the 'planning and design', 'construction and implementation' and 'post-implementation and operation' stages. consists of training and a test exam to be held after training. The training provides expert candidates with knowledge in four different areas.
- Basic Conceptual Knowledge, Process Management and Yes-TR Information System Knowledge
- Category Based Conceptual and Technical Information
- Category Based Crediting, Assessment and Integration Information
- Software and Process Information
1. Basic Conceptual Knowledge, Process Management and Yes-TR Information System Knowledge
This level aims to develop the candidate's understanding of the concept of sustainability, green building and green settlement, the purpose, content, categories of the Green Certificate and the legislation and implementation process related to the crediting, rating process, and also to develop the candidate's knowledge of inter-category integration in the Green Building and Green Settlement processes, It enables students to learn the Green Certificate Information System (YES-TR) application and usage.
2. Category Based Conceptual Information
Candidate with this level; receives scientific basic concept knowledge, which is the basis for categorical crediting required by categorical fields, about each module of green building and green settlement.
3. Category Based Crediting, Assessment and Integration Information
Candidate with this level; At the scale of Building and Settlement; receives information about the categorical crediting required by the certificate categorical fields and the "measurement and evaluation / proof document" processes that are the basis for the said crediting.
4. Software and Process Information
This level enables the candidate to develop inter-category integration knowledge in Green Building and Green Settlement processes, to learn the application and use of the Green Certificate Information System (YeS-TR).
Sinan Mert ŞENER (Prof.Dr.)
Faculty Member of ITU Faculty of Architecture
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Head of Energy Efficiency and Installation Department
Hüseyin Namık SANDIKCI
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Department of Energy Efficiency and Installation, Department of Electrical Installation and Energy Efficiency
Necip AYAS
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Installation Department, Air Conditioning and Fire Installation Branch Directorate
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Civil Engineer