Policy on pay scale equity


ITU is dedicated to ensuring fair pay scales for all staff members, irrespective of gender, as mandated by Article 43 of Government Law No. 657. Pay is determined solely based on factors such as service class, job title, staff rank, and educational qualifications, with no consideration of gender. To understand the specifics of salary and wages, please refer to the provided information. In line with this commitment, ITU adheres to SDG 8.2.1 and follows a policy of providing equal compensation for equivalent work among its employees with similar attributes. Further details on this matter can be found in ITU's directives and policies. Additionally, our unwavering commitment to gender equality is underscored in Article 6 of the ITU Women's Studies Center Science, Engineering, and Technology Policy, as well as Article 5 of the ITU Sexual Harassment and Gender Prevention Policy, which reaffirms our resolve to eradicate gender disparities.