The call titled "Supporting the Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystems on Land and Sea" will be opened within the scope of Horizon Europe, the European Biodiversity Partnership (BiodivERsA+). It aims to provide science-based guidance and propose new approaches and policies for actions and policies aimed at protecting biodiversity at all levels (genes, species, ecosystems) and ecosystem integrity across land, freshwater and sea. Protecting ecosystem integrity across land, freshwater and sea, proposing new approaches and policy options, and encouraging the evaluation of the consequences of conservation actions and policies are also the main objectives of the call.
This call aims to support research projects that address one or more of the three different themes listed below.
Theme 1: Identifying priority protected areas, establishing effective and resilient ecological networks, developing species-based protection, and generating knowledge for the conservation of genetic diversity.
Theme 2: Projects on the multiple benefits and costs of biodiversity and ecosystem protection.
Theme 3: Management and governance related projects to ensure effective conservation results.
For further information: