ITU is collaborationg with NGOs for SDGs.
ITU hosted “The Utilization of Nuclear Technology in Sustainable Development and Nuclear Security seminars” with the support of non-profit organization CRDF Global’s "Robin Copeland Memorial Fellowship 2020" scholarship program. This project is related with SDG 7 affordable and clean energy, SDG 9 industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 3 good health and well-being and SDG 4 quality education.
ITU tackled SDG 15 life on land by launching the “250 Thousand Saplings in the 250th Year” campaign as part of its 250th Anniversary Events with the non-profit organization ÇEKUD.
ITU is collaborating with Tohum Institution, an NGO which defines itself as an education, culture and nature association. Due to this collaboration, Tohum is participating a sa member of the advisory board of ITU Climate Change Research Center.