“Microplastics, Endocrine Disruptors and Environmental Impacts Workshop” organized by Istanbul Technical University (ITU), in cooperation with the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) and ITU TRNC, took place in Kyrenia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, on 3-5 November 2023, with the participation of experts in the field.
In the workshop, which was attended by TRNC President Ersin Tatar as a guest, our Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu, in addition to his opening speech, presented his paper titled “Micropollutants and Endocrine Disruptors” as an invited speaker in the first session, and also chaired the second session titled “The Plastic Pollution Problem in Ecosystems.”
During the program, which hosted comprehensive presentations including the opinions and observations of competent academics on many topics ranging from the destruction caused by solid wastes in marine ecosystems to current approaches in the removal of micropollutants from wastewater, from the problem of plastics in food to the legal dimensions and applications of plastic pollutants in the TRNC, the current problems of the field of environmental engineering were addressed for two days.
For details: https://haberler.itu.edu.tr/en/newsdetail/2023/11/06/itu-is-in-kyrenia-for-microplastics-and-endocrine-disruptors-workshop