"In 2023 ITU planned a special Symposium for local farmers and food producers to connect and transfer knowledge. The invitations of the event were specially send to local farmers, food experts and producers. The event initiated many opportunities for new connections and knowledge transfer between the stakeholders."

The “Future of Food Symposium”, organized within the scope of Istanbul Technical University’s 250th Anniversary Events, brought together experts on the subject to share their observations and opinions at the Prof. Dr. Remzi Ülker Conference Hall in the ITU Ayazağa Campus on October 13, 2023.

“Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind!”


Within the scope of the World Food Day events organized every year within the framework of a theme determined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the opening session of the symposium organized with the motto of “Water is life, water means food. Leave no one behind” included speeches by our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Şule Itır Satoğlu, Head of the Food Engineering Department of ITU Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy Prof. Dr. Meral Kılıç Akyılmaz and FAO Turkey Deputy Representative Dr. Ayşegül Selışık.


For details: https://haberler.itu.edu.tr/haberdetay/2023/10/13/itu-de-gidanin-gelecegi-sempozyumu



