It is the Project by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanism and Climate Change. With the project, which aims to renew 500-700 public buildings in an energy efficient way, it is aimed to combat climate change by providing energy savings,
increasing comfort and reducing greenhouse gases. The public sector will save budget on investments in public buildings, users and employees of public buildings, society through combating climate change, various equipment and service providers
(energy efficiency consulting firms, architectural, mechanical and electrical design offices, energy service companies (ESCO) , suppliers of construction materials, contracting firms to implement energy efficiency modifications, etc.). KABEV Project will reach 1000 public employees and 5000 citizens annually.
One of the selected public university is İTÜ and Dr.Orhan calgiray Molecular Biology-Biotechnology &Genetics Research Center, MUSTAFA İNAN LIBRARY, OLD CAFETERIA, ALTAN EDİGE and ALİ İHSAN ALDOĞAN Dormitories are in the scope of the

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